Observed All Month
Chip Your Pet Month
National Pet Foster Care Month – May is a good month to adopt or foster a pet.
National Pet Month – Observed annually in the United States in May and during the month of April in the United Kingdom, this month we celebratethe benefits and joy that pets and people bring to each other’s lives.
National Photography Month – (Officially recognized by Congress in 1987) Take some selfies with your pooch!
National Service Dog Eye Examination Month – During World War I, German Shepherds were trained to assist soldiers. They were the first service dogs.
Pet Sitters International’s Pet Sitter Safety Month – Begun by PSI in 2016
Responsible Animal Guardian Month – Proclaimed by In Defense of Animals (IDA)
Observed for the Week
May 1 – 7: National Be Kind To Animals Week
May 1 – 7: Puppy Mill Action Week
Check out 5 Ways to End Puppy Mills
May 3 – 10: National Pet Week
May 3 – 9: Dog Anxiety Week
Special Days
May 1: National Purebred Dog Day
May 1: Mayday for Mutts (Observed the First Sunday in May)
May 1: International Samoyed Day
Some thoughts about Mutts and Mixed Breeds
May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day
May 3: National Teachers Day
May 8: Mother’s Day
May 8: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
May 10: National German Shepherd Day
May 13: National Blame Someone Else Day (Always observed annually, on the year’s First Friday, the 13th, since 1982)
May 14: National Dog Mom Day
May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
In 10 Great Dog Breeds to Get Friendly With, No. 7 is all about Chihuahuas.
May 20: National Rescue Dog Day
May 28: National King Charles Cavalier Spaniel Day
May 31: What You Think Upon Grows Day (Created by Norman Vincent Peale. Born in 1898, today he would have celebrated 124 years!)
Checiiday.com, https://www.checkiday.com/32a1b50e9293e37e0b8038098904e43e/blame-someone-else-day
I Love Veterinary, https://iloveveterinary.com/blog/national-service-dog-eye-examination-month-may-2018/
Life Learn Animal Health, https://www.lifelearn.com/2021/12/08/the-complete-list-of-2022-pet-holidays/
MetLife, https://www.metlifepetinsurance.com/blog/pet-calender/may-is-responsible-animal-guardian-month/
National Purebred Dog Day, https://nationalpurebreddogday.com/
National Today, https://nationaltoday.com/national-pet-week/
Pet Sitters International, https://www.petsit.com/2022-pet-holidays-and-observances
There Is A Day for That, https://www.thereisadayforthat.com/holidays/usa/national-blame-someone-else-day
TruDog, https://trudog.com/may-is-national-service-dog-eye-examination-month/
Life Learn Animal Health, https://www.lifelearn.com/2021/12/08/the-complete-list-of-2022-pet-holidays/
Wikipedia, https://en.Wikipedia.org