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National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day: April 21st

National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day was created in 2007 by Jackie Valent, a writer of children’s books. See Stinky, The Bulldog. Valent thought if people could see the beauty of a Bulldog, they could also see beauty in their neighbors of different ethnicities, colors and cultures.  Thank you, Jackie Valenti!  You can grab Stinky, The Bulldog here.  ******

National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day: April 21st Read More »

Women Who Changed History – Part 4

So Many Inspiring Women  Over these weeks, we have only talked about a few of the many inspiring women who have contributed to history.  Women have made timeless and treasured contributions that have helped to shape some of the most significant moments in history.  As Women’s History Month comes to an end, let’s remember these women and honor their lives. 

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Women Who Changed History – Part 3

Disability Rights Movement Early nineteenth-century developments in disability rights included the development of Braille and formal education for the Deaf and Deaf-Blind people. The Disability Rights Movement is another important social movement. It was a major contributor to a shift in how we view those with impairments. Here, again, many women with disabilities played pivotal roles in this movement.  Judy Heumann “Disability

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Women Who Changed History – Part 2

The Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement is another major turning point in history, as Black Americans fought for equal rights and an end to segregation.  So many women played a significant role in this movement, as well. In addition to Ella Baker, Septima Clark, Dorothy I. Height, and the iconic Rosa Parks, there was Fannie Lou Hamer.  Fannie Lou Hamer ““I had

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